All of us know gambling as a fun and entertaining activity, where you either win or lose money depending on your luck. But did you also know that gambling could be potential professional career?
If you’re hearing his for the first time, then you have all the right reasons to be surprised. Anyone who can master the basic skills the career demands can become a professional gambler. Billy Waters and Chris Moneymaker did not do this for nothing. However, as a beginner there are certain things to consider before you decide to wager your career for gambling. Let’s get started.
Choice of Games
There are two types of games in a casino -game of chance and game of skill. Slots, video poker, roulette etc are games of chance where you depend on lady luck to win you money.
One golden rule to become a professional gambler is to keep games of chance at arm’s length. There is no ultimate, “system” that can beat the odds of a casino in the long run. You can be the next Einstine or the next great mathematician the world can produce, but you can never beat the odds of a casino, simply because they’re designed that way.
Instead, it is better to opt of skill-based games where it is completely your call to win it or blow it. This is because you’re playing against a player and not the house which could have statistical advantage over you. Always remember that skill based games (games you play against a player and not the house) will earn you a substantial income in the long run. Some of them to choose from could be
- Blackjack
- Poker
- Chess
- Sports Betting
- Esports
Research and formulate an agenda
Now that you’ve chosen the game you want to master, the next step is to perform through an intense research about the game itself and also about the success and failure stories of aspiring professional gamblers. Learn the game, learn how it’s played in a professional way and take away from key points out that could be beneficial in the long run. Once you’ve researched and ready with the information, then next step is to formulate an agenda as to how you’re going to put the newly learned skills to action. Your plan should consist of realistic goals that are achievable.
Potential risks
If the gambling industry didn’t have risks, then every other person and your neighbor would be a professional gambler. Risks are real in gambling. One important strategy to abide by is to accept the risks and to have an exit strategy where you do not lose money. As much as it is essential to know when to start, it is equally important to know when to put a full stop.
By practice we don’t mean a few days or a week or month. To become a professional at any field, takes years of hard work, dedication, practice and learning from your mistakes. Follow exactly the same steps in gambling as well.